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 Our personal favorite part of the Camp - Supervised Rounds!

So what is that?

How many times have you danced at the Competition, got your placement, maybe even an award, but wondered: "What if I could ask a judge, what he or she thought about my performance? Not just see a mark or placement, but an actual explanation - why did I get fourth place mark in my Waltz and second in Foxtrot?" Well, at our Supervised Rounds you can:-)

Supervised Rounds is an amazing way to dance your competition program, just like you would do on the Competition floor - with other dancers by your side (but no one is actually competing against each other), MC, audience, and in an amazing and fun atmosphere (check the videos below)

Before your round, the Instructor would be assigned to you. The Instructor will be watching the entire round and right after it is over, will give individual feedback on what he or she has seen. Good and bad. What works, and what needs work.  Real time, not months after the Competition. You can even go over the feedback next day on your coaching session!

It has proven to be a wonderful and beneficial instrument, judging by the comments of those who participated. And Instructors loved it too!!!

And it is not only for couples. Many dancers, that attended without partner chose to participate in rounds, Solo and not just got feedback from the Instructors, but had great FUN as well!!! To see what it is all about, please, check out videos below!

Various Supervised Rounds video clips

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